The summer season is about to come and because of sunlight and pollution, our hair become lifeless and shine free .so we need to take special care of our hair. to take care of hair we can opt some easy remedy to make them healthy and shine.
take lots of water for healthy.
1 curd is very good for healthy hair before washing hair apply curd for half an hour. you can use this mask twice in a month .
2 egg white. half lemon juice and coconut oil. u can apply on hair roots for half an hour.
3 apply neutry defence cream or hair spa cream to make your hair hydrate …
4 rins your hair with 2tbs vinegar + mug full water .
5 apply rose water everyday on ur hair day or night as you like .
6 if you are suffring from any kind of hair problam you can apply tea tree water it will treat ur all hair problems .
7 oil massage is very important in summer .oil massage can cool down your scalp + nourish your hair :)
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